A lot of people have been coming up to me on the street and asking me if I was going to do a Decade in Review post as the Aughties (the 00's) are coming to a close. Many media outlets have been churning out 'Decade in Review' posts this month as if the Aughties have had a defining or disguinshing aesthetic or sound like decades of the past.
I feel like that in this modern world, pop culture, entertainment and music changes and evolves so quickly that it is impossible to classify the 00's in the same way we classified the 70's, 80's or 90's. With that in mind, I am going to stick with the year in review.

Which brings us to the first category.
Best Album: Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

The name of the album refers to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the title track Lisztomania is a reference to a film about the classical pianist and composer Frans Liszt. From these two references it is apparent that Phoenix definitely had classical music on their mind when they were writing this album. I like to think of this album as a classical suite, where each song is a variation on a theme. The chord structure remains very similar throughout the album, and I find every time I hear one of the songs on shuffle, I'm compelled to listen to the whole album.
Despite the album's complex production, they are still amazing live. I saw this band perform in Toronto (appropriately at the Phoenix Concert Hall) and they put on a great show. Even though it was Monday night people were rocking out.
Honorable Mentions: The Polaris Short List
This year the Polaris Short List showcased the breadth of musical talent that exists in contemporary Canadian music. Although Fucked Up took home the ultimate prize, I thought all of the nominees put out amazing albums. Here they are in case you missed one. The art shown is the original poster made for each Polaris nominee.
Elliott Brood - Mountain Meadows

Fucked Up - Chemistry of Common Life

Great Lake Swimmers - Lost Channels

Hey Rosetta - Into Your Lungs

Malajube -Labyrinthes

Metric - Fantasies

Joel Plaskett - Three

Chad Van Gaalen - The Soft Airplane

Patrick Watson - Wooden Arms

Best Concert of the Year: Animal Collective at the Sound Academy May 16, 2009

This show was unbelievable from start to finish. I had seen Animal Collective before at an outdoor festival, but I think music like this is best enjoyed in a club setting. They played a variety of new and old songs, some of which I had never heard before, but the whole vibe of the show was unreal. A lot of ambiance, pulsating rhythms and many a primal scream.
Best New Social Networking Thing:

I know last year I bashed Twitter because I was young and naive, but I have since learned the error of my ways. Although Twitter can be used for all the wrong reasons, I truly believe that it has revolutionized the way we browse the internet. I would go as far as to say that Twitter is the TV Guide of the Internet. Think about it.
In other news, there are a few new social networking things that are gaining some buzz that I thought I should mention.
Google Wave:

All hail our benevolent dicatator Google. I have come to realize that Google can do no wrong, therefore I embraced Google Wave even though I don't understand what it does. I think it's main strength is for group projects, where a group of people can track edits and modifications to a document or media file. Either that or it will help you organize your softball team.

Ok, this thing might be completely frivolous but I'm not sure yet so I won't knock it just yet. The idea behind Foursquare is that is connects users with places around a city, in such a way that your city is 'mapped' with places that your friends frequent. When you are in a certain restaurant or bar you 'check in' and are connected with everyone else there. Sound completely ridiculous? It could very well be.
Saddest Media Fiascos
1. Balloon Boy

Balloon Boy was the first indication that the journalists and news professionals had lost control of the news. When the balloon boy story broke, the instantaneous hype was so overwhelming that no one thought to investigate if the information that created the hype was even true. The frenetic speculation was what made the story what it was. It was a media fiasco in its purest form.
2. Michael Jackson
While Michael Jackson's death was obviously tragic, it did help to put to rest much of the controversy that plagued his career. Now that he is gone we can remember him for what he should be remembered for: his music. The man was a genius.
3. Tiger Woods
As a society we love to build up on-top-of-the-world celebrities and pro athletes and then destroy them as soon as they act human. We all loved Tiger as he won championship after championship but as soon as he messed up and cheated on his wife we reveled in his misery with delight. America loves a good fall from grace.
Best Novelty Sites:
Although the internet can be blamed for a lot of terrible things in today's society, it is also a great source of user-generated hilarity. Here is list of some of the choice novelty sites that make sitting in front of a computer screen for 10 hours a day that much more enjoyable.
This Is Why You're Fat
I had to stop looking at this site at work because it would make me cry it's so good. I feel a strange kinship with the sites contributors - hopefully my gastronomic masterpiece Le Chasseure will one day grace its hallowed pages.
Texts from Last Night:

The 'lighter side' of drunken debauchery

You'll be glad that you 'got out' of facebook before these maniacs took over.
and the list goes on. . .
Best Movie of the Year: Avatar

We knew that when the guy who made Terminator 2, Aliens and Titanic spends 10 years making a movie its going to be amazing. Avatar did not disappoint. Upon viewing the trailer the blue Na'vi creatures from the planet Pandora seem a bit cheesy looking but once you're seated in the massive IMAX theatre and outfitted in your 3D glasses any potential criticism is dispelled as you watch the Avatar unfold. The visual effects are unlike anything you have ever seen and the story is engaging and timely. It takes a minute to get used to the 3D effect but once you are properly acclimatized you wonder how 2D movies ever existed. After I saw this movie I boldly claimed it to be the BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME. Go see for yourself. I challenge you to be underwhelmed.
Honourable Mention: Funny People

This movie was hilarious and touching as we have come to expect from Judd Apatow, and although it dragged on a bit too long at the end, is definitely worth the watch. The soundtrack also features an awesome acoustic version of John Lennon's 'Watching the Wheels' Also, Aziz Ansari's Raaandy character was hilarious. check out his website http://www.laughyourdickoff.com/
Best TV Shows:
This fall was an amazing time to be a fan of great television. Between the HBO Sunday line-up and NBC's Thursday nights I don't know how things could get any better.
Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 7

I didn't think Larry David could top Season 6 but this season was just as hilarious/ridiculous/painful to watch. The highlight of this season was a full Seinfeld reunion show. I don't know if Curb is going on for another season, but I think Season 7 would be a perfect ending to a great series.
Bored To Death Season 1

A new HBO show starring Jason Schwartzman and Ted Danson which follows the misadventures of an aspiring writer/private detective in Brooklyn.
Mad Men Season 3

Best show on television? Probably. Although Season 3 gets even darker than Season 2 and there are a few questionable plot twists, Mad Men continues to be the best show on TV.
Parks and Recreation:
This new show was a bit derivative when it first started, it has come into its own midway through the season.
The Office:
The problem with American TV is that a series will never stop making new shows if its still profitable. Although the Office is still really good, I hope they call it quits before the show becomes complete nonsense. The past season it has shown signs of exhaustion.
30 Rock:
Consistently hilarious, maybe not as good last season but who am I to complain?
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

For those of you who haven't seen this show, please go out and buy seasons 1-4 on DVD and enjoy. The characters in It's Always Sunny are the first to embody the laziness, apathy and sense of entitlement that has come to define our generation. This show is amazing. They show it on FX in the States and a few months later on Showcase in Canada. Megavideo is always an option too.
That's it for this year. Check out our twitter page for more bloggable memes and embeddable links.