Sunday, April 8, 2007

Thought of the Day

I was reading this article about blogging the other day and it said that a professor had stated: "Bloggers are lonely, isolated individuals that live in a virtual reality."

Now I wasn't offended or anything because I'm sure alot of bloggers are lonely, bored, unemployed, and pathetic. But it raises the question. . .what's more pathetic: Being a blogger or being a professor who studies bloggers? You decide.


Bernhard said...

It's possible that being a blogger that blogs about professors studying bloggers is more pathetic than your two options.

Bernhard said...

But then again, it might be the blogger that posts a comment on his friend's blog in response to a blog entry about professors studying bloggers that is the most pathetic.

bsqv said...

yea and starts off question week with "what's the best question you could ask".

what a douchebag.